© 2017 by Graepel Italiana S.p.a .
Our story
Graepel: yesterday, today and tomorrow
Since 1889 the Graepel family produces perforated metal sheets.
The Graepel company has 7 independent plants spread throughout the world (two in Germany, three in Ireland and England, 1 in the USA and 1 in Italy). Alltogether the 7 companies count approximately 800 employees and represent one of the main producer in this sector.
Each company is led by one of the Graepel Families and is independent from the others.
Graepel Italiana SpA in Sabbioneta - (MN) has a modern factory and employs 90 people. The complex covers an area of about 50,000 square meters: 16.000 sqm of warehouses, 20.000 sqm of green area, 3.200 sqm of parking area, 10.800 sqm of service area and roads.
The main activities and processes of the company are:
- Perforated metal sheets
- Perforated and printed plates,
- Grids and gratings,
- Design furniture,
- Stainless steel accessories for the separate collection for professional and home use.
Our city
"Only the educated man is free."
Rich in art and history, Sabbioneta was included in the World Heritage List in 2008.
Sabbioneta is associated with the city of Mantua by the Renaissance heritage of the Gonzaga family.
Mantua and Sabbioneta represent two aspects of Renaissance town planning: Mantua shows the renewal and extension of an existing city, while 30 km away, Sabbioneta represents the implementation of the period's theories about planning the ideal city.
Sabbioneta, created in the second half of the 16th century under the rule of one person, Vespasiano Gonzaga Colonna, can be described as a single-period city and has a right angle grid layout. Both cities offer exceptional testimonies to the urban, architectural and artistic realizations of the Renaissance, linked through the visions and actions of the ruling Gonzaga family. The two towns are important for the value of their architecture and for their prominent role in the dissemination of Renaissance culture. The ideals of the Renaissance, fostered by the Gonzaga family, are present in the towns’ morphology and architecture.
Today Sabbioneta urban structure is almost completely intact, surrounded by star shaped walls and elegant Renaissance buildings.
Its main places of interest are: Porta Imperiale and Porta della Vittoria, the Gallery of the Ancients in Piazza d'Armi, the Teatro Olimpico designed by Vincenzo Scamozzi and decorated with frescoes by Paolo Veronese, the church of Santa Maria Assunta, the Ducal Palace and the Garden Palace.
Content from "Il manuale della lamiera forata" Riko Graepel